Aqua Fabrications Ltd conform to ISO 9001: 2015

Aqua Fabrications Ltd is committed to an operating philosophy based on openness in communication, integrity in serving our customers, fairness and concern for our employees and responsibility to the communities within which we operate. Our vision is to exceed customer expectations for quality, safety, sustainability, cost, delivery and value. Additionally, we are dedicated to creating a profitable business culture that is based on the following principles:


Aqua Fabrications Ltd is committed to equality in employment opportunity and rewards, embracing wholeheartedly the cultural diversity within the communities we call home. Our employees’ welfare and interests are foremost throughout all aspects of our business and how we conduct our affairs. Aqua Fabrications Ltd is committed to:

  • Creating and nurturing an environment of success based on honesty and integrity
  • Equitable sharing in the success of the company
  • Empowerment through training and communication
  • Individual growth and equal opportunity
  • Designing and providing a safe and secure work environment


Customer needs are paramount and represent the highest priority within our business. Our obligation is to proactively seek out and define customer needs while addressing all requests expeditiously without creating false expectations.


Aqua Fabrications Ltd is committed to supporting the communities within which we operate. We believe in the practice of social responsibility and encourage similar behaviour in our employees and suppliers. We support the conservation of the physical environment and the prevention of pollution at our facilities. We proactively comply with all applicable safety, environmental, legal and regulatory requirements to which we subscribe.


Beginning with a clear definition of customers’ expectations, we strive to consistently meet or exceed them. We adhere to all applicable standards and customer specific requirements and endeavour to provide processes that ensure we achieve this to build a robust and world class business.

Aqua Fabrications Ltd Equal Opportunities & Harassment Policy

Aqua treats all people with equal respect, concern and consideration, and recognises the contributions made by all individuals.

Aqua strive to ensure that this belief is embodied in the way that Aqua provide services in their employment practices, and how Aqua work with other companies and customers.

Aqua will work to eliminate unlawful discrimination and promote equality of opportunity and good race relations.

Aqua defined harassment as behavior which is unwanted, unreasonable and offensive, and which cannot be objectively justified by the professional and/or working relationship between the individuals concerned.

Aqua is opposed to harassment in any form and is committed to providing a working environment which is free from such and in which the dignity of all employees is respected.

Aqua is committed to providing effective ways for dealing with complaints of breaches of its Equal Opportunities and Harassment Policy so employees can feel confident that Aqua will deal with them seriously, promptly and impartially. Making a genuine complaint will not affect the employee’s position and is strictly kept confidential.